名字学 > 英文名字 > 刘翔 英文介绍_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区

刘翔 英文介绍_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区

投稿人:名字学起名网2020-11-23 14:10:31

China’s First Spaceman---Yang Liwei Yang Liwei was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province in 1965. He became a pilot in Chinese Air Force in 1987, spending 1,350 hours in the air. He has spent 5 years training to become a spaceman. Yang Liwei was sent into space at 9 a.m on October 15th by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6:23 a.m the next day, making China the third country successfully sending a person into space after the former Soviet Union and the USA. Yang Liwei came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space. In space Yang recorded everything he saw and showed China’s national flag and the United Nations’ flag to the people watching on TV at home. All of the Chinese are proud of our first spaceman---Yang Liwei 回答时间: 2007-6-4 18:35The photo depicts an exciting scene: the famous athlete Liu Xiang striding forward in the Olympics Games in Athens. Determination is universally regarded asa highly praised quality. It is neither genius nor extraordinary ability that gives us power to deal with and overcome whatever hardship one is confronted with. It is this kind of spirit that enables us to endure the difficult moments and attain our goals. The determined spirit gives us light when we are in dark moments and encourages when we are frustrated. With this quality, no enemy can overwhelm us, and noobstacles can stand in our way. There are many examples of success being achieved solely through the strong will of the spirit. As in the picture, the athlete is running, with a determined spirit, towards the finishing line in order to obtain the gold medal, considered as the symbol of success for any sportsman. It is determination that leads to success. ? It is not easy to cultivate this determined spirit. To do this, we must establish a firm faith in our actions and be ready to devote ourselves to them. We must boldly go through trials and hardships to train our will so as to get rid of the weak points of our moral character. Around us, there are quite a few people with this intense determination and spirit and set a good example for us to follow.译文: ?? 这幅照片描绘了一个动人的画面:  著名运动员刘翔在雅典奥林匹克赛场上奋力拼 搏。

拼搏精神作为一种很高的素质得到了广泛的赞扬。在解决和克服摆在我们面 前的难题的时候,拼搏精神给了我们力量,但它并不是与生俱来的卓越品质。正 是这种精神使我们能够战胜困难,达到目的。 [---P---]拼搏精神在黑暗中给我们以光明刘翔的英文名,在挫折中给我们以勇气。有了这种精 神, 任何敌人都不能打垮我们, 任何困难都不能阻挡我们。 有许多例子可以证明, 具有拼搏精神才能成功。就像照片中所描绘的,一名运动员正朝终点奋力奔跑,力夺金牌刘翔的英文名,因为金牌是所有运动员成功的象征。正是这种拼搏精神指引我们走向 成功之路。? 培养拼搏精神不是一件简单的事情。为此我们必须树立坚定的信念,并且准备为 之献身。我们必须大胆地经受考验,克服困难,磨练意志,从而消除我们性格中 的弱点。在我们周围,有好多这样具有拼搏精神的人们, 为我们树立了良好的 榜样。 雅典奥运会已落下帷幕。在本届奥运会上中国队共获得 32 枚金牌,其中刘翔的 110 米 跨栏更是令世界为之关注。请你根据下面图表写一篇文章,简要介绍他 的情况。

