名字学 > 英文名字 > 亚瑟王 英文名 Le Morte d'Arthur:Volume 1(English e

亚瑟王 英文名 Le Morte d'Arthur:Volume 1(English e

投稿人:名字学起名网2021-05-09 14:04:56

Le Morte d'Arthur: Book I mainly deals with how King Arthur suppresses aristocracy rebellion, consolidates Scotland and Wales, and goes on expedition to Rome; love stories between Queen Guinevere and Lancelot, Tristan and Isolde. It praises bravery and chivalry of King Arthur and the Round Table knights. However, the book has a tragic ending: King Arthur is wounded and dies (by Mordred, who is killed by Lancelot). Queen Guinevere is dead and so are many Round Table knights(kill each other in the pursuit of the Holy Gail). 【《亚瑟王之死》主要叙述了亚瑟王平定反叛他的贵族,统一苏格兰和威尔士以及远征罗马的武功,赞扬了亚瑟王的圆桌骑士们英勇比武亚瑟王 英文名,扶弱抑强的事迹;叙述了兰斯洛特与桂乃芬王后以及特里斯坦和伊索尔德的悲欢离合的恋爱故事。本书的结局是悲剧: 亚瑟王受伤死了(被莫德雷德所创,但莫德雷德最终被赶来的兰斯洛特杀死),桂乃芬王后也死了亚瑟王 英文名,许多著名的圆桌骑士也都先后死去(多半在追求圣杯过程中自相残害)。】

亚瑟王 英文名_王亚瑟 语录_终极一班王亚瑟去哪了

