名字学 > 英文名字 > 电影魔兽英文介绍


投稿人:名字学起名网2020-11-02 17:01:56


In the world of film, blockbusters adapted from novels are ubiquitous. And over the past few decades, comic book movies such as Deadpool (2016) and Ant-Man (2015) have gained huge popularity among moviegoers.


But films based on video games have yet to garner the same level of prestige. They often feel lazy or have weak character development. Notable attempts like Super Mario Bros (1993) and Tomb Raider (2001) have all flopped.


But unlike its predecessors, the Warcraft movie has defied viewers’ expectations. In China, it broke multiple box office records, winning over both ardent fans and casual moviegoers.


What makes Warcraft stand out is the way British director Duncan Jones presents a clash of civilizations with heroes and villains on both sides, rather than a conventional story about good against evil.


Warcraft draws its plot from the real-time strategy game Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, where an orc horde flees to the human world to escape famine, and the humans defend their home from the orcs.

《魔兽》电影改编自即时战略游戏《魔兽争霸: 人类与兽人》,讲述兽族部落来到人类世界逃避饥荒,人类为了保护家园,抵抗兽族入侵的故事。

In Warcraft, the orcs are not just mindless villains. There are characters like Durotan, who sacrifices himself while fighting with evil warlock Gul’dan to protect his clan. On the human side, there are villains like Medivh who is controlled by an evil spirit. Other characters, like the knight Anduin, inhabit morally ambiguous territory: Anduin must look for ways to protect the world of Azeroth from the orc menace.



“The protagonists on each side are noble and empathetic,” Jones told The Guardian. “They have reasons for doing what they’re doing that we understand. Both the humans and the orcs represent rich cultures in their own right, with people you care about and people who are obnoxious.”


Duncan’s creative storytelling enables regular moviegoers to feel that the game’s virtual characters have hearts. Though critics panned Warcraft, saying it crammed a large cast and a dense plot into two short hours, even casual viewers are still able to get the gist of the story.



Hardcore players, meanwhile, will be gratified to see their favorite Warcraft characters brought to life. “People spend more time in [Warcraft] than in the places they live. It actually is like their hometown,” Duncan told The Guardian.


The movie Warcraft is an honest attempt to recapture the finer qualities of its source material. “There’s a genuine sense of striving to get inside what made the Warcraft games beloved by 100 million participants, whether playing as humans or orcs, and tapping into what makes fantasy feel so personal, so real,” wrote IGN’s movie critic Leigh Singer.




